Your 150 miles from south or east coast covers the whole country.
His heavily loaded boats could be tugged at no more than one mile a day - and they had some 685 miles to cover.
General Rashood knew they still had another four miles to cover before dark.
Still another three miles, the hooves of the horses now thudding on snow covered ground.
A few miles a week and you could cover the village in no time.
'We have a thousand miles to cover,' he said.
Probably only the police dogs would get it, and, with ten miles of road to cover, they would be hours, perhaps days - plenty long enough.
But we had a hundred miles still to cover, and could only look longingly at the heights which others must scale.
Each mile the party covered seemed to drive the dampness deeper into flesh and bone.
We have many more miles to cover before we break for the night.