With time and miles to burn, who could say what small or mid-sized moments might occur between a grown-up son and his father?
About 20 miles from town, in an area not covered by the Sandinista cease-fire, they halted and burned a passenger van.
Most cars that "burn oil" and have to have a quart added every 1,000 miles are burning it because the engine is old and the rings no longer seal things properly.
Almost 500 square miles have burned across the county, and only one of the area's four major fires the 46,000-acre Otay fire at the border with Mexico has been contained.
Weeds had to be pulled from the garden and the seeds planted, firewood had to be cut, a beginning had to be made toward replacing the pens and the miles and miles of fences so casually burned by the Yankees.
More than 1,000 square miles of brush and timber have burned in eight Western states since lightning began setting hundreds of fires on Aug. 28.
The state's worst ground fire in decades - a vast arc of windblown flames that boiled in 40-foot walls, scorched miles of pine woods and burned a dozen homes and other property - raged for a second day in Suffolk County yesterday.
Not thirty miles from here a couple boats burned and sank, and the channel's been silting up around them.
From the edge of the city upward, sixteen miles of mountain front have burned to the ridgeline in a single day.