But even the most over-the-top moments provide thrills of the mildest variety.
He may prefer one of the milder varieties of this attitude.
And if you're not familiar with all the types of lettuce, you can still select a crunchy, mild variety in no time.
Unlike the pale and comparatively mild foreign varieties, Chinese ginseng is a deep iron red.
Morton put his hands near, but the cold was of a mild, water-freezing variety, apparently harmless.
Ms. Shamieh, however, resisted even this mild variety of identity politics.
So while they might have added a blur to our snapshot, it was of a very mild variety.
Maybe a mild variety of fascism was one of the basic requirements for the job.
"A much milder variety than the ones that occurred before the captain's disappearance."
An Anaheim pepper is a mild variety of chili pepper.