The skin is fragile and is prone to blistering (caused by mild trauma or sweating).
It is characterized by blister formation secondary to even mild trauma.
More often than not, leukonychia is brought on by mild trauma to the base of the nail plate, usually from a knock or blow.
It has been difficult to prove the association with mild trauma and infections statistically.
The events left Officer Cureton with bruises and a case of mild trauma.
Another study showed that sulbutiamine is effective at relieving asthenia in patients after mild craniocerebral trauma.
The commonest cause of the white spots, called punctate leukononychia, is probably mild trauma, such as pushing back the cuticle too hard.
Other risk factors include: family history, endocrine disorders, radiation / chemotherapy, African heritage, and mild trauma.
These drugs also have side effects such as easy bruising and bleeding from mild trauma.
Any exercise that may cause even mild abdominal trauma such as activities that include jarring motions or rapid changes in direction.