Raven kept up a steady stream of quips and mild insults as they drove into the city.
She wondered if it was the announcement or the mild insult that had his eyes narrowing in speculation.
From other boxers, Lewis's gracelessness and mild insults ("Evander Holyfield is slow, an old man, why take advantage of him?")
Kendall smiled to take the sting out of her mild insult.
A cart driver all his life, Mr. Shahtout is known as an arbagi, an Arabic word that is also used as a mild insult.
Alexei ignored the mild insult.
Today, the phrase "cafe intellectual" is a mild, obsolete insult.
Am I right in assuming that some of these mild insults Dr. Baskin conveyed fell into the category of affectionate teasing?
Onions should grow in your navel: a mild insult (Yiddish).
Shooting off a mild Ukrainian insult, she headed for the kitchen.