My parents, myself and my brother - who was the first in our family to locate here - are bucking migration trends.
He said the migration trends found by the census probably continued into the 1990's.
Similar migration trends occurred in other countries throughout the world for similar reasons.
Since most of its members have historically been Mexican immigrants, Church growth has been subject to fluctuations in migration trends.
Today is a major migration trend of Venezuelans, due to the political and economic situation in Venezuela.
It is certainly not easy to identify every co- traveler or brother in these migration trends due to gaps in memory associated with oral tradition.
It contains tools that allow users to track migration trends, patterns and populations.
Associated with these trading links were strong migration trends.
The development of the district towards a tourism destination is expected to help reducing youth unemployment and change this migration trend.
Due to established migration trends, the rural population tends to be older than the urban population.