However, by late summer, the value of western land fell and migration drastically slowed causing railroad securities to fall in value.
The migration to other states has slowed while an increasing number of people are moving in.
Some economists say the migration out of California, which has helped bolster the economies of surrounding states, has also slowed.
Macedonian migration had slowed by the 1980s only to restart in the early 1990s after the breakup of Yugoslavia.
Citing these forecasts, real estate specialists say the offshore migration could slow the recovery of the struggling United States office market.
The concussions of light grew successively brighter as Data watched, and their westward migration slowed perceptibly.
As the economy started to languish and import substitution industrialization ran out of steam, urban migration slowed.
Some of the Brooklyn teen-agers say that with the heightened violence and pressure by the Buffalo police, the migration of young men has slowed.
By 1950 the migration had slowed.
Poverty and internal migration are not slowing, and they feed this phenomenon.