These migrations can begin as upstream or downstream movements, depending on the location of home range of individuals, and may involve 100 or more km.
Normal neuronal migration involves the development of six cortical layers, each one performing distinct functions.
The migration involves the database's transformation from one DBMS type to another.
Whether these first migrations involved one or several successive waves and distinct peoples is still a matter for some academic debate, as is its timing.
Neuronal migration during development involves the extension of a neurite along the extracellular matrix.
The typical migration involved small networks of related families who settled together, worshipped together, and intermarried, avoiding outsiders.
Not that the rest of the world is paying much attention, because this migration does not involve crossing borders.
My migration involved a one-time import, but it's worth noting that Launchpad can also do continuous imports.
Other migrations involved blacks moving from plantations to adjacent small towns and communities.
That migration involves companies like Tridon Ltd., which shut down an auto parts operation with 550 workers in western Ontario and reopened it in Tennessee.