As ideas migrate overseas, the economic and technological resources needed to implement the ideas migrate too.
In 1849, after the British conquered the Indian state of Punjab, many Punjabis began to migrate overseas, to places such as Singapore.
"India always suffered from the cream of its medical community migrating overseas," he said.
Thinking creatively about ways to help workers whose jobs migrate overseas should be a top priority from the White House to Capitol Hill to state capitols.
Instead of bashing China, Congress and the Bush administration should be putting money into bolstering retraining programs to help American workers whose jobs migrate overseas.
The Chinese people have a long history of migrating overseas.
The textile and furniture factories closed or migrated overseas, and Martinsville was simply too isolated to attract others.
Vaisakhi is usually celebrated on 13 April, and occasionally on 14 April, in the different regions across the world as the Sikhs migrated overseas.
Other businessmen say that many low-wage jobs will inevitably migrate overseas, but that now some will move to Mexico rather than East Asia.
The EPA acts as if air doesn't migrate overseas, from countries such as China.