This Latin gang originated from Los Angeles California after Salvadoran migrants left their country in the early 1980s due to the civil war.
Some migrants leave their families in the village and go to the cities to work for months at a time.
So many migrants leave their homes looking for work they overburden the rail system.
Hopefully cautious, the young migrants said goodbye to their families this month and left for the coast to begin their clandestine journey.
Some migrants left after the world economic crisis of 2008.
Other migrants leave their children behind in their native states, either with grandparents or at boarding schools, in order to avoid interrupting their education.
Experts say at least 7 million to 10 million new migrants leave the farm each year, in a trend that is expected to continue.
He said it's impossible to accurately determine how many migrants are leaving Haiti and what percentage of them make it to shore.
In fact, by choosing Mr Maroni, the government made a decision not to allow any more migrants to leave Lampedusa.
The Indian migrants that passed through the island have left a distinct mark on the Mauritian society.