He clung with all his might to the thrashing, flicking, mighty tail.
Behind her, the mighty tail waved in powerful thrusts that drove them deeper yet.
With one leap, Ananda landed on the bed, thumping heavily and happily with her mighty tail.
Once more the thing dove, and almost simultaneously a mighty tail rose high out of the water above the man's head.
Cluny wielded his mighty tail as if it were a bullwhip.
All around her, Buttercup could hear them beeping and screaming and thrashing their mighty tails.
An ambulance flashed into view-and was struck by a balancing sweep of the mighty tail.
The brontosaurus struck the tyrannosaurus with a lash of its mighty tail.
The brontosaurus struck the tyrannosaurus with its mighty tail.
For a little while, I could trade in my legs for a massive form, a mighty tail.