Lost in the mighty mass, the man of murder accompanied its ground-quaking plunge as it roared down to the gorge below.
So that mighty black mass housed the secrets of the city's ability to reproduce?
We advance, like senseless lunatics, towards this mighty mass.
A mighty mass of water boiled up beneath it and around it.
Such as we have seen is the wealth of England, a mighty mass, and made good in whatever details we care to explore.
Up into the air there rose a mass, a mighty mass, a boulder bigger than ten men could lift.
Suddenly a mighty mass emerged from the water, and shot up perpendicularly into the air.
The Shadow struck the far platform and reeled onward, half a second ahead of the mighty mass that threatened to doom him.
Before he could even draw the weapon, a mighty mass sprang toward him, with a roar.
Fire, a mighty mass of it, lifted to staggering proportions, was to be the cover-up for murder and robbery.