This mighty armada would be the match of hundreds of flying lyrinx, and flew above the height they could reach.
Caught up in the slaughter all around them, the people in the square were now oblivious to the mighty airborne armada that was still droning ceaselessly overhead.
The strength of this mighty armada made itself felt as the crisis diminished quickly without incident.
The United States assembled one of the mightiest armadas in history for the invasion.
No British fleet, no matter how strong, would dare face up to this mighty armada.
He also reports that the R.S.M was able to hand over this mighty armada "all present and correct" in Eyre Square !
Not more than two dozen ships eventually found their way back to Charax, of the mighty armada which had set forth so proudly at the beginning of the year.
A week later, she left Majuro as part of the mighty armada known as Task Force 58 (TF 58).
The interplanetary invading force rushed on, a mighty armada giving the lie to my theories.
Nevertheless, Earth had prepared for serious trouble, building the mightiest armada of all time.