The officials presenting the midyear economic review, which is part of a legally required midyear update of the Administration's budget proposals, reaffirmed their predictions for near-term growth.
Economists said yesterday that they saw the Fed easing credit conditions further even before the end of an important midyear review of monetary policy.
The midyear review also estimated the unemployment rate for 1987 at 6.2 percent this year, on average, a half-point less than projected in January.
Following the December meetings, Ms. Park scored a 2.8 in her year-end review, lower than her midyear review of 3.0.
A midyear review can help keep pace with any big changes - was there an addition to the family?
The report, the first midyear review undertaken by the government, said growth had been held down by a drought and by the conflict on India's border with Pakistan.
A midyear review was rejected.
A midyear review of the economy will be published in July.
Her midyear review had been excellent in all categories.
On Monday, Mr. Darman is to release this year's midyear review.