The midyear cuts prevent the completion of some programs financed by Housing Opportunities and already in the pipeline for a three-year grant cycle.
City officials plan to announce those midyear cuts - about 7.5 percent to each agency - in November.
His midyear cut of $15 million has already exacted a dramatic toll on CUNY.
He added that "it will help us avoid disruptions that could be caused by any midyear cuts."
The Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate agreed tonight on a compromise to the midyear cuts, and part of the deal was an agreement to set aside Mr. D'Amato's measure.
School districts began the year unsure of how many teachers they could hire or how many classrooms they could build; some guessed badly and were forced to make midyear cuts.
Since that cut we have experienced a midyear cut of $190,000 and will also pay $150,000 back to the system because of an enrollment shortfall in 1993.
In districts throughout the Island, administrators are worried about what will happen to state aid after the November election and whether there will be midyear cuts.
Both sides had ample reasons to forge agreement on the midyear cuts, even as they began work on a seven-year plan that starts with the 1996 budget.
For schools, midyear cuts are especially painful.