Traditionally up to 100,000 people cram into Trafalgar Square as midnight approaches.
As midnight approaches, zippers, bra straps, and other objects are discarded.
Here one can confidently expect to find a copy of Throat Culture magazine, even as midnight approaches.
Potemkin oversees the holiday pageant as midnight approaches and he gives a note to Orphan.
A second midnight approach to the occupied portion of the palace provided us with some distinctly unwelcome news.
With the help of some High Mages, Kellen's army manages to continue fighting until midnight approaches.
As midnight approaches, it is common to leave the house and light up fireworks together with neighbours, as they congratulate each other.
He cowers in his room as midnight approaches, but there is no way to bar the door.
As midnight approaches, they take the rest of the family into the basement.
As midnight approaches, a drunken young guy in an orange T-shirt is dispensing romantic advice.