He said a company reorganization, which created profit-driven management centers, had resulted in a reduction of middle-management jobs and some salaried workers.
But because incomes have been rising, "it looks as though new things are replacing the middle-management jobs that have been lost," he added.
Shortly after Dr. Vladeck became interim president this spring, he eliminated 20 middle-management jobs.
Just as factory and middle-management jobs have become more insecure, so, too, have elected officials', and many politicians argue the two developments are related.
President Clinton's errors in judgment would keep him from holding a middle-management job in industry, and rightly so.
The chain employs 19,000 people, and its higher-paying, middle-management jobs would be most vulnerable in a takeover.
They enter the labor market at a time when there are fewer middle-management jobs because of mergers and downsizings.
In fact, many will have to be content with middle-management jobs rather than top jobs because of the competition.
Mayor James Whelan has proposed several changes in the municipal government, including the creation of 44 new middle-management jobs, many for computer and technical experts.
"First, the Chinese have brought us an additional pool of talent, especially for middle-management jobs in Canada."