A week ago, the Houston-based Continental laid off about 150 employees, mostly middle-level managers.
In some cases, companies are paying as much as 50 percent more than last year in salaries for trained experts or middle-level managers.
Mr. Pappas became one of the city's more visible middle-level managers.
Last month, the company announced the layoffs of 74,000 workers over the next four years and canceled the $600 Christmas bonuses of 100,000 middle-level managers.
Officials said three were middle-level managers of the trafficking ring.
Consider those new-economy companies that pay middle-level managers at least 20 percent more in options, relative to their salaries, than comparable businesses do.
Because the leaders were not setting an example, middle-level managers remained suspicious or skeptical when orders came down to listen more to subordinates.
But he has often complained that, because of the company's vast size, many middle-level managers do not cooperate with innovative programs advocated by top executives.
The committee comprises 45 middle-level managers from every department at the agency.
York's departure followed a series of resignations by the clinic's upper- and middle-level managers.