The university has also increased financial aid to middle-income students.
They do more with less and enroll higher proportions of low- and middle-income students.
The quest by prestigious colleges to attract more low- and middle-income students is turning into a financial aid arms race.
And yet public institutions educate the overwhelming majority of lower- and middle-income students.
Nor has the amount of need-based aid flowing to low- and middle-income students.
Many lower- and middle-income students thus have the opportunity to obtain an advanced education.
TAP is state financial aid program for low- and middle-income full-time students.
"If this trend continues, it is a victory for low- and middle-income students."
We will cut loan fees for four million low- and middle-income students in half.
Subsidized loans, the main source of Federal aid for middle-income students, are down 13 percent.