"This sort of thing tends to get treatment with penicillin and is cleared up when you have middle-income parents," he said.
She also supported the retention of junior kindergarten, as the only universal accessible program available to the children of low- and middle-income parents.
Many were from middle-income parents angry at the Governor for pushing a program that would exclude their children.
My middle-income parents sent two children to college - one to Duke, the other to Vassar - out of current income.
Not surprisingly, they wanted the same things as most middle-income parents.
This decision, in effect, quashes another progressive program to help middle-income parents finance their children's college education.
Passing costs on to consumers is problematic, because many of them are low- and middle-income parents with little financial flexibility.
Black middle-income parents have lower socioeconomic status on average than white middle-income parents, and this affects children's achievement.
Few middle-income parents, for example, would rest easy with the knowledge that their children were attending below-average schools.
Her research suggested that while upper-income and lower-income parents seem to have no trouble letting their children in the kitchen, middle-income parents resist.