In low- and middle-income nations, these treatments have saved 2.5 million lives since 1995.
Mobile technology has made a recent and rapid appearance into low- and middle-income nations.
Mobile phones are spreading because the cost of mobile technology deployment is dropping and people are, on average, getting wealthier in low- and middle-income nations.
Many of these technologies, while having some application to low- and middle-income nations, are developing primarily in high-income countries.
Commissions galore are re-examining whether the bank still lends too much to middle-income nations and not enough to the world's poorest.
It is also the world's largest producer of diamonds and the trade has transformed it into a middle-income nation.
It is available free to teaching or training institutions and Non-governmental organizations in low- and middle-income nations.
The World Bank employs thirteen thousand people in more than a hundred countries, and lends about twenty-five billion dollars a year to poor and middle-income nations.
They have recently been under heavy pressure to improve the economic performance of poor and middle-income nations that receive most of their loans.
As more interventions for blood pressure and cholesterol are adopted in high-income societies, the three risk factors will become a feature of low-income and middle-income nations, the authors say.