In "Stonewall" (1979), Jean Fritz provides an introduction to Jackson for middle-grade readers, but she does not get the entire measure of the man.
Biography for middle-grade readers.
Sarah Dooley's subdued, thoughtful novels for middle-grade readers are set in this hidden world.
Patricia Willis is an American author of historical novels for middle-grade readers.
Ms. Cooper, who has written a number of books for middle-grade readers, creates some touching moments of friendship and compassion.
In this grounded but entertaining history for middle-grade readers, Severance aims to demystify what made that tower rise so high.
With her wonderfully contemporary presentation, Tina Packer now stakes the claim of the 21st century on Shakespeare's stories for middle-grade readers.
The magic that middle-grade readers will notice first is that of the language: lively, full of rich imagery and often humorous.
Cushman has had several successes with novels for middle-grade readers about strong girls, age 12 or thereabouts, facing a hostile, historically distant world.
For middle-grade readers and younger teens, The Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World is a true find!