Within hours, top security officials and the press bore down on this largely middle-class community.
Camden County hopes to float bonds for $50 million to build its slightly smaller facility in Lawnside, a largely middle-class black community.
Though still a largely middle-class community, Roosevelt has struggled since the late 1960's, when the majority white population began to leave for other suburbs.
In many respects, Mr. Pierson is a pillar of his modestly middle-class community.
This largely middle-class community of 25,000 prides itself on having what other suburbs do not - blacks and whites living side by side.
Anaheim Island remains a mostly middle-class community, while they never been part of the municipality that surrounded them.
In 1960, North Amityville was a largely middle-class community that was 76 percent black, the largest minority population in the county.
The largely middle-class communities near Kennedy International Airport had been without a major suburban-style supermarket for a quarter century.
By the late 1990s South Shore had reemerged as a solidly middle-class African American community.
In the case of community-based targeting, the World Bank study notes that the extremely poor who may live in generally middle-class communities will be excluded.