As the party entered the courtyard a middle-aged priest stood waiting for them, the cupola of Saint James rising behind him.
It has been nearly 20 years since Mr. Davis gained fame with "Mass Appeal," a comedy about a complacent middle-aged Catholic priest and a young seminarian jousting over theology.
As she climbed down to the juncture of the largest fronds, she met a tall middle-aged priest named Yarrod, the younger brother of Mother Alexa.
"Design" is an elegantly fashioned story about the relationship between a middle-aged priest and his elderly neighbor, a dying Baptist minister.
The story is about a middle-aged Catholic priest in New England.
Right many a humble, middle-aged priest suddenly found himself with the ring of a bishop on his finger.
She wondered if the two comfortably fleshy, middle-aged priests across the courtyard could imagine the things filling her mind, the things going on within their Church.
A middle-aged priest with a smug, humorless face approached us from the stairs above.
Just as she was leaving, a middle-aged priest with a natural tonsure entered the church, noticing her hurry with amusement.
When the middle-aged priest left his hometown of Ravenna and undertook a three-year voyage in Scandinavia, he became the first.