"September Sonnet" was about middle-aged lovers.
She could not have known that here romantic middle-aged lover was actually a stranded pederast who had experienced considerable strain fulfilling his male role.
His most famous, probably, was in "A Fine Romance" (1980-82), in which he and his wife played middle-aged lovers trying to resist all temptation to get married.
This duet for Jim May and Lorry May, who had often worked with her in the past, was a heartfelt yet never sentimental portrait of middle-aged lovers.
Restlessly, he glanced over at the middle-aged lovers in the Seville, saw them embracing and wished he had Angela with him.
Would you young people do a middle-aged lover a favor?
"So here we are," she said, shaking her head, "a couple of middle-aged, would-be lovers, tiptoeing around the subject like teenagers who want to sneak a kiss behind their parents' back."
There was more romance in the world than that which had fallen to the share of the middle-aged lovers of the stone house.
Mr. Goldblum and Ms. Lynch are superbly cast as the neurotic middle-aged lovers, but the dialogue in the scenes they share lacks emotional heft.
A seamstress in her twenties working in a sewing shop in Tokyo and her middle-aged (and married) lover had gone missing.