There is anti-Semitism lower down, in the middle ranks of the security services and the government, but that has always been so.
This was usually done when the card shown was of a middle rank, such as a seven, eight or nine.
He walked up to the front row of the jury and glared at the men in its middle ranks.
The men in the middle ranks appeared suddenly distracted by something just around the corner and behind them.
There are very few women in the upper or even the middle ranks of management.
Doing so was more rewarding than dealing with middle rank provincial officials who had less authority and information.
When you come to the middle ranks, each woman has her own little inclinations and there are thousands of ways to separate one from another.
And so I think that they should both be put in your middle rank.
With the rest, it's as I said; you're well up in the middle oligarchal ranks.
And in the next century, when we as a socialist country join the middle ranks of the developed nations, that will help to convince them.