High up in the deep blue midday sky were the contrails of three Israeli jets.
Nylan glanced across the lake, but no one appeared, and the thin line of smoke continued to rise into the hot midday sky.
No stars were visible, of course, in the midday sky, but he knew that New Earth was out there somewhere.
The sun was high in the midday sky and the air warm.
A hundred yards away a gray wall rose up into the smoky haze of the midday sky.
Lamps were turned on as darkness filled the midday sky outside the huge windows; there was talk of the approaching storm.
When at last the drawer was still, he said, "A single cloud floating in midday sky contain no duck sauce."
And I've seen him up in the midday sky when I couldn't look at him for brightness.
He stares into the midday sky, the shadow of Dominique's face blotting out the sun.
The snow clouds had cleared in the night, and the midday sky was now bright blue.