In 1980 and 1981, Ford downsized its mid-sized cars onto the Fox platform, with mixed results.
That step and others, the company said, cut the amount of landfill waste for each mid-sized car to 13 pounds from 82 pounds in 1991.
This price was very competitive with other companies' small- and mid-sized cars.
These mid-sized cars typically got fewer miles per gallon than light trucks do today.
Although Mercury had no mid-sized car for the 1964 and 1965 model years, the compact Comet continued to sell well during this time.
An important new Jeep model and a series of mid-sized cars will be introduced in 1992.
Beginning in 1966, the Comet grew from a compact to become a mid-sized car.
The price: $3,072.37, including air fare and a mid-sized car.
The mid-sized car will cost $22,000 to $26,000.
That plant makes the 205 and 309, both small cars, the 405 mid-sized car, and the newly introduced 605.