They use a lot of fiberoptic cable now, just like we do, plus a whole new set of microwave relays.
But ever since the Spiders invented microwave relays, the snoopersats had been sucking on an increasing stream of easily decrypted national secrets.
Global Observer provides communication alternatives in the event of cell tower, microwave relay and satellite downlink failure.
Down went a complex microwave relay, positioned near the Old One.
Much of the transcontinental traffic is now carried by cheaper optical fibers and communication satellites, but microwave relay remains important for shorter distances.
It used tropospheric scatter for over-the-horizon links and microwave relay for shorter line-of-sight links.
Then he hit a microwave relay off 542 ... hard, and the chance was gone.
Before utilizing microwave relay and coaxial cables, AT&T used lines for long distance service.
The channel became one of the first national cable television channels when it chose to use satellite delivery as opposed to microwave relay to cable systems.
The intercom emitted thin hiss- ings and clicks as microwave relays shuttled, establishing a downlink.