Lady Grubb's invitations to them were always by letter, and led to a file of correspondence because she enjoyed making microscopic changes of plan.
Necropsy was performed and showed a small liver (620 g) with light microscopic changes of submassive necrosis.
Dysplasia is characterised by four major pathological microscopic changes:
Many of the tuning procedures involve such fine degrees and microscopic changes that most skiers would rather leave the job to a professional ski shop mechanic.
Pathological findings in spontaneous rupture of the spleen include gross and microscopic changes.
There is no doubt that irradiation - just like roasting, frying or barbecuing - causes microscopic changes in the chemical composition of food.
Overall the inflorescences, or flower spikes, take around eight months to development from the first microscopic changes in late spring.
This suggests that a simple microscopic change can result in a dramatic evolutionarily relevant morphological change.
Alzheimer's disease cannot be definitely diagnosed until after death, when the brain can be closely examined for certain microscopic changes caused by the disease.
This was associated with particular microscopic changes in the brain, but was seen as a rare disease of middle age.