This journal publishes papers covering in applied economics, primarily on empirical microeconomic issues.
Her research focuses on microeconomic issues in developing countries, including household behavior, education, access to finance, health, and policy evaluation.
His work focuses on microeconomic issues, and includes over 150 academic publications.
With colleagues involved in such microeconomic issues as contingency valuation and support of litigation, the profession's usefulness to senior management seems to be making a comeback.
However, some NGOs that address microeconomic issues among individual families fail to deal with broader macroeconomic issues that prevent women's complete autonomy and advancement.
Laura impressed me with her knowledge of technology, manufacturing, and trade, the microeconomic issues I felt had been too long ignored in the making of national economic policy.
That interest in so-called microeconomic issues has carried over into the Government.
Treasury conducts research to assist in the formulation and articulation of public policies and positions of the Department on a wide range of microeconomic issues.
Ordinarily reasonable people now argue that the business cycle is a trivial matter, unworthy of attention when compared with microeconomic issues like the incentive effects of taxes and regulation.
This issue provides important experience to developing approaches for examining microeconomic issues in other areas - for example, industrial subsidies, trade policies, and taxation.