The Berkefeld is a good bacterial water filter used in microbiological laboratories, in homes and out in the field.
Tributyrin is also used in microbiological laboratories to identify the bacterium Moraxella catarrhalis.
There is also a day surgery unit, a full range of radiological facilities, full pathological and microbiological laboratories.
The microbiological laboratory, which tests for bacteria, fungi and parasites, is "very busy," according to Mary Dupree, a chemist.
A wide range of analytical tools are used in modern microbiological laboratories, and many can be adapted to field use Some that have been adapted include:
It is one of the main barriers preventing the technique from entering the routine microbiological laboratory.
It didn't take much to run a microbiological laboratory; perhaps half a dozen technical staff and the same number of domestics and bottlewashers.
Underneath the primary microbiological laboratory was a basement that could only be entered with special credentials.
Inside, it has a microbiological laboratory in one room and four 838-cubic-foot concrete tanks in another.
Compared to manufacturing environments most analytical and microbiological laboratories have a relatively low volume of samples but a high degree of variability and complexity.