NO is produced naturally in the soil during the microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification.
Syngas fermentation, also known as synthesis gas fermentation, is a microbial process.
(The presence of cyclical microbial processes indicated in the blood of patients with chronic diseases).
The two-stage microbial process, they said, "will eventually effect total PCB destruction."
Carbon is necessary to composting, which uses a combination of green waste and brown waste to promote the microbial processes involved in the decomposition process.
As in any microbial process, the decomposition of plant litter by microorganisms will also be dependent on temperature.
Other anaerobic microbial processes are linked to changes in the oxidation state of iron and manganese.
If the temperature is decreased, the metabolic activity in the fish from microbial or autolytic processes can be reduced or stopped.
Conversion of organic carbon compounds into CO2 by microbial processes.
These microbial processes have opened up new opportunities for us to explore novel applications, for example, the biosynthesis of metal nanomaterials.