There is thumping, banging rudeness in lopsided metric schemes.
At the end of the F minor, accelerating power confused the music's metric scheme; it took extra concentration to keep a sense of order in the ear.
He is a classicist if there ever was one, for whom rhyme and metric schemes constitute poetry's essential music.
Mr. Carter's linear style had little use for orderly metric schemes.
His gestures offered musicians security; and when a conductor can promote so much confidence in such difficult metric schemes, players have a burden lifted from them.
Against the illusion of repetition, different metric schemes play intertwining games, which serve to invigorate rather than lull the ear.
The first stanza illustrates the metric and rhymic scheme:
Cambodian poetry traditionally relies on several of 46 rhyme and metric schemes, and is chanted.
Alder astutely details the advantages of the metric scheme.
Despite its extroversions, "L'Histoire" is difficult music, with metric schemes that shift abruptly and often.