Why, for example, were the rests in the opening theme glossed over during the initial statements and meticulously observed at the end?
He was getting near to his target, and the rigid training rules that had been drilled into him at The Park must from now on be observed meticulously.
Bus Riders (1976/2000) is a series of photographs that feature the artist as a variety of meticulously observed characters.
His account of this perfectionist's work is meticulously observed and moving.
It was not meticulously observed.
This rule was meticulously observed.
The religious requirements of Muslim soldiers were meticulously observed and respected.
The show includes two splendid watercolors he began in Tangier in which costume, architecture, gesture and mood are meticulously observed.
We've read this sort of thing before, but the story hasn't always been so meticulously observed.
The finest points of ritual were meticulously observed, with everyone genuflecting and crossing themselves on entering and leaving.