However, he later began to draw and paint in a meticulous style of detailed representation.
The question, though, was whether he was capable of doing so in cold-blooded, meticulous style.
Made in a meticulous, old-fashioned linear style on artificially aged paper, the painting looks 150 years old.
With a meticulous, organized-by-list style, she doesn't buy anything unless she can wear it on the air.
Working together in New York City in the mid-90's, they developed a simple, meticulous style.
His meticulous and almost photo-real style was popular, but courted controversy among art critics and other artists.
He executed a small number of etchings in a meticulous style.
The building is executed in a meticulous Gothic Revival style.
Produced in album style he covers the ground in meticulous style.
Calbot had handled all transactions in the most meticulous style; there wasn't a blemish on his record.