Mr. Sendak may celebrate wild things, but he is a meticulous craftsman.
Zhang is not, perhaps, the most meticulous craftsman; he's credited with directing more than 100 films, so he obviously was not a man to sweat the small stuff.
The goldsmith was as garrulous as ever, but he was a good-hearted man, and moreover a meticulous and honest craftsman, which is something to respect.
A meticulous craftsman, Mr. Fornasetti was able to produce his whimsical designs in awesome numbers.
He was a metaphysician who was a meticulous craftsman: his paintings can resemble carpets, furniture, stained-glass windows and tombstones.
In the past, Mr. Simon has often come across as a meticulous, painstaking craftsman.
He was a meticulous craftsman and frequently reworked plots and ideas from his earlier writing in subsequent pieces.
She'd always considered herself a meticulous craftsman.
Edited Own Films Lean was a meticulous craftsman noted for technical wizardry, subtle manipulation of emotions, superb production values, authenticity and taste.
Mr. Lawrence was a meticulous and systematic craftsman.