The specific methodology required for these computational techniques involve concepts from the theory of games, control and optimization theory.
The methodology involves lending to individual women, using five- member groups as the ultimate guarantor for each member.
The methodology involves taking a group of community members to a location and have them review their perceptions of the walking environment.
Some methodologies in social research, especially in psychology involve deception.
The methodology for studying flower development involves two steps.
The methodology involves memorization, repetition, songs, and chants combined with the study of Latin introduced in 3rd grade.
The methodology involves a combination of face-to-face interviews with selected employers, and an administered large-scale questionnaire.
Martin's methodology involves iterative development and the construction of prototypes.
The methodology involves guest speakers, videos, hands-on skills practice, group discussion, questions, dialogue, and student presentations.
Designing dialogical (collaborative) methodologies to involve others in a design process.