That methodology applied to more than just this case.
Therefore, for sake of ease, wherever double-agents are discussed the methodologies generally apply to activities conducted against terrorist groups as well.
The same methodology applies to other file types e.g.:
The school's methodologies applied in the inclusion and special education processes are based on ABA, which is the acronym for Applied Behavior Analysis.
Outside of club play data, Dance/Electronic Songs will match the methodology applied to The Billboard Hot 100.
The latter are treated separately as different methodologies apply, and the following applies to simple counts.
In 1949, Gordon had turned his academic inquiries to population growth and was convinced that the same methodology applied to epidemiology studies could be used to examine population problems.
For the 8 following coupons, the same methodology applies.
The timetable is quite tight, but necessarily so because so much time has already been wasted, and it is going to be 2014 before the cost-optimal methodology will apply.
Many countries strictly regulate the methodology applied to the MFM.