The most important sink in the methane cycle is reaction with the hydroxyl radical, which is produced photochemically in the atmosphere.
The proposed Solar Fuel or methane cycle proposed by the Fraunhofer Society amongst others is an example.
It is believed that Titan's methane cycle is analogous to Earth's hydrologic cycle, with meteorological working fluid existing in liquid and gas phase.
TiME would directly discern the methane cycle of Titan and help understand its similarities and differences to the hydrologic cycle on Earth.
Both findings were expected: scientists have long thought that Titan has a methane cycle of evaporation and condensation, much like the hydrological cycle on Earth.
Earth has a familiar hydrologic cycle; Titan has an alien methane cycle.
With its liquids (both surface and subsurface) and robust nitrogen atmosphere, Titan's methane cycle is viewed as an analog to Earth's water cycle, although at a much lower temperature.
It is believed that Titan's methane cycle is analogous to Earth's hydrologic cycle, with meteorological working fluid existing as rain, clouds, rivers and lakes.
It is considered the second most important greenhouse gas, yet the methane cycle in the atmosphere is currently only poorly understood.
The researchers assume a dry atmosphere, so they do not include a methane cycle, which has been proposed to explain the variations in lake populations between hemispheres.