In a Scottsdale police station last December, a 23-year-old methamphetamine user showed officers a new way to steal identities.
The residents were methamphetamine users.
The level of needle sharing among methamphetamine users is similar to that among other drug injection users.
Determinants of condom use stage of change among heterosexually-identified methamphetamine users.
They also educate patients about nutrition and dental hygiene, although methamphetamine users resist making behavioral changes.
Education about oral hygiene for long-term methamphetamine users is sometimes required.
Jenks says that he is forced to have "a working relationship" with local methamphetamine users, treating their ailments in confidence.
Thus, the site's visitors are called tweakers, not to be confused with methamphetamine users.
Increased awareness involves proactive education by health professionals about the severity of the problem and fostering skills to recognize methamphetamine users.
There is no typical methamphetamine user.