The second shell hit the meteorological office and shattered the bridge killing Krüder and all but one other instantly.
In addition, several weather experts from the meteorological office told that the country was not properly prepared to face a winter weather event of this magnitude.
Personal living accommodation was provided in a barracks-like wing between the meteorological office and the kitchen-living room area.
This was the meteorological office and that was enough for me.
Would you call the meteorological office for me, please?
Where any doubt exists that storm conditions prevailed on the date in question, it is advisable to check with the local meteorological office.
This will be transmitted to you at 8 p.m. 'In the circumstances, the latest report from the meteorological office is relevant.
After four years of service, he was able to move on to his primary interest - fundamental research - and left the meteorological office.
Officials accused the meteorological offices of issuing warnings too late, as most of the fishermen were already in deep sea areas.
The crowd moved on to the meteorological offices, housed in a Royal Air Force turret.