For that reason, the researchers said, it also had to reflect a meteorological change, such as rapid temperature change or an influx of air from another region.
And with no major meteorological changes in sight, many more fires are expected before temperatures drop in the fall.
At some point, alas, reading of how "meteorological changes save us from our panic at empty spaces," my eyes began to crash.
Dr. Keeling argues that these meteorological changes could be responsible for the fluctuations in carbon dioxide.
The Opticast algorithms are run every hour ensuring the forecasts are continually staying abreast of rapid and previously unforeseen meteorological changes.
Nor do there even occur any of those eccentric meteorological changes which elsewhere surprise us.
It is responsible for monitoring weather in the country and for providing warning of imminent tropical storms or meteorological changes that could potentially threaten the country.
Her knee can detect meteorological changes better than Willard Scott.
The decrease in snow cover, rising sea levels and meteorological changes are global warming consequences that can affect human activities and ecosystems.
On the other hand, because of the limited depth of the lagoons the meteorological changes rapidly affect the abiotic parameters of the water masses.