The island is now used as a meteorological centre and refuelling base.
The first edition (current sub-version is 2) is used operationally worldwide by most meteorological centers, for Numerical Weather Prediction output (NWP).
Because there is no meteorological centre in Nathu La, systematic measurements of meteorological data (such as temperature and rainfall) are not available for the region.
The Austrian meteorological centre (ZAMG) said Austria had experienced as much rain in two days as it normally would in two months, at the beginning of June.
The ACWC supervises and coordinates the non-aviation forecasting work at the meteorological centres functioning under it.
Since 1978, Agromet Advisory Units are functioning at RMC Chennai and other meteorological centres under it.
Some of the processed data and TV pictures from the satellite were distributed to meteorological centers around the world.
There are eight meteorological centres for distribution of transport, deposition, and dispersion modeling, in the event of an environmental catastrophe that crosses international borders:
Get in touch with the meteorological center.
A World Area Forecast Centre (WAFC) is a meteorological centre that provides real-time meteorological information broadcasts for aviation purposes.