Similar treatments regarding the down-regulation of netrin-1 are also being looked into for metastatic breast and colorectal cancers.
"Providers who were more generously reimbursed," the authors wrote, "prescribed more costly chemotherapy regimens to metastatic breast, colorectal and lung cancer patients."
Patients with advanced metastatic breast and ovarian cancer have already shown dramatic responses.
But what if transplant proves the treatment of choice for all women with newly diagnosed metastatic breast or ovarian cancer, for example?
It is in phase II clinical trials for metastatic breast and ovarian cancer with known BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation.
Rucaparib (AG014699, PF-01367338) for metastatic breast and ovarian cancer.
Hypophysectomy is the destruction of the pituitary gland, and has been used successfully on metastatic breast and prostate cancer pain.
First Neuvenge trials were performed on patients with metastatic breast, ovarian or colorectal cancer that expressed HER-2 (HER2/neu).
The patients who had metastatic breast or ovarian cancer had failed to respond to conventional treatments before the start of vaccine therapy.
Two phase II studies of oral dry shark cartilage powder (SCP) in patients (pts) with either metastatic breast or prostate cancer refractory to standard treatment.