However, it does not affect the force of his reasons for saying that all definitions of good in natural or metaphysical terms are wrong headed.
Paradise is a religious or metaphysical term for a place in which existence is positive, harmonious and eternal.
In metaphysical terms, Bindu is considered the point where creation begins and the many become the unity.
In metaphysical terms, "spirit" has acquired a number of meanings:
Most were, at least, attempts to explain light and vision in physical rather than metaphysical terms.
Brahman is Infinite, not just in physical terms, but in metaphysical and qualitative terms.
In effect he says: you can't be a theist unless you use metaphysical terms.
This may require him or her to use what might be called 'metaphysical' terms.
We are not just talking about values in metaphysical terms.
While the others saw the problem in moral or metaphysical terms, Josef saw it as basically a military problem.