And much the same is true of the ideological relationships which link human beings to metaphysical powers.
Other humans with great metaphysical powers are also given silver or golden torcs and may eventually achieve high rank.
And he took this route for a respectably modern reason: to learn how to absorb the metaphysical power of ancient buildings into the secular modern world.
But deny to him any quality of literary or metaphysical power, and he is piqued.
He had a mind of metaphysical power, and a spirit never embittered by controversy.
Babatunde Lawal suggests that the reason for this division could be to suggest the relaying of metaphysical powers from the celestial to the terrestrial realm.
Designed to prevent any sort of metaphysical power from waking a Keeper bent on cataclysmic evil, the shield Sara had worn for more than fifty years held.
As the antagonist, he is depicted as rational and forward-thinking in contrast to the protagonist who uses demagoguery and the illusion metaphysical powers.
Ben lets Sam in on another secret of his afterlife - he can control the weather with his special metaphysical powers.