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Uncle Dave's nephew, the yoga instructor, has a metaphysical explanation for this.
Hell, Angie, don't go looking for metaphysical explanations.
He means thus to offer a metaphysical explanation of progress and then, armed with this metaphysics, to fight the liberalism.
There are no mystical, metaphysical explanations, hidden treatment, or magic.
Transubstantiation is the metaphysical explanation given by Roman Catholics as to how this transformation occurs.
Extrapolating from limited experience, it created a wild and metaphysical explanation that changed its life forever.
Kabbalistic theology offers metaphysical explanations of how Divine and spiritual processes unfold.
Many scholars still reject this explanation and have produced more complex metaphysical explanations.
In Jewish mystical thought, the descent of generations applies even more because of this metaphysical explanation.
In comparison, Leibniz focused on the tangent problem and came to believe that calculus was a metaphysical explanation of change.