And that, Inland decided, would be best handled by an outside company with experience in metallurgical analysis.
The company we wanted to contract the job to had a first-class reputation in metallurgical analysis.
Get the slugs to the lab - they need to do a metallurgical analysis.
But detailed records, and the history of the metallurgical analysis done at the time, have helped reassure investigators that no such switch took place.
She was run-ning a metallurgical analysis on her screens.
The panel's report was based on a computer analysis of structural stress in the telescope's design and a metallurgical analysis of some of the debris.
"Where are you with the metallurgical analysis?"
The metallurgical analysis is incomplete but I have to agree that it is not of Evoran origin.
They put the pipe under an electron microscope, they sent it to laboratories for metallurgical analysis.
The tests included x-ray diffraction, stereo microscopy, and additional metallurgical analysis.