The leader Mento transformed the metal covering Calhoun into a permanent metallic shell.
Where was the girl she knew existed beneath that hard metallic shell?
When she saw the structure, it was forbidding: a cold, metallic shell that she eventually covered with plaster and paint.
However, Unus' powers soon evolved beyond his control and a pink metallic shell began to form all over his body.
His hand stroked the smooth, metallic shell; it was surprisingly cool.
His desktop viewscreen glowed to life inside its bulky gray metallic shell.
The metallic shell locked into place with a soft click.
Sealed in their metallic shells like mollusks on wheels, how can I pry the people free?
The whole sky resounded like a metallic shell.
There is, however, much material, including the otherwise metallic shell and the crystalline object it extrudes on occasion, that may in some senses be organic.